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Corrigo API -- strange date handling for InvoiceDate

Hey Corrigo,

Multiple Webhook URLs?

Is it possible to have more than one URL for the event notification section in the integration settings?

How Students Can Earn Money While Traveling

In today's digital age, the prospect of traveling while earning money has become increasingly feasible for students. With the rise of remote work opportunities and online platforms, students can now combine their passion for travel with income generation. A recent article on journohq.com sheds light on nine effective ways for students to earn money while exploring the world.

Searching for a work order

When I search for a work order using the URL workOrder/search and providing the workOrderNumber parameter, I get the expected results. However, if I try to search for the same work order number using the URL workOrder?ids=04360505&messageId=04360505-1701180597 I get the following error:

Documentation for setting up a sandbox


Add Attachment to a Work Order using API

I'm trying to make an API call to add an attachment to a work order and getting the below error.

Back-end Access

We have a license for IFSM to connect to our QuickBooks but we have questions about the actual Customizability of the Interface.

Can you send a quote without a WO being opened?

Is it possible to upload a quote without a WO being opened? Or is there a way for us as a vendor to submit a quote on a WO we generate so we can submit a quote?

Invoicing questions

Hiyas! Couple of questions around Invoicing: