
This topic describes collections of enumerations used in the CorrigoPro API methods.


The following table describes all actions that are used for WebHook notifications:

AcceptedA work order was accepted by a CorrigoPro user. For notification details refer Work order accepted.
AdditionalFieldDescriptorUpdatedA custom field configuration is updated by the requestor.
AppointmentInfoChangedA work order has had it's appointment information changed.
AttachmentAddedA new attachment was added by a CorrigoPro user or a customer. For notification details refer Attachment added.
AttachmentRemovedAn attachment was removed by a customer. For notification details refer Attachment removed.
CheckedInA work order was checked in by a CorrigoPro user. For notification details refer Technician checked in.
CheckedOutA work order was completed by a CorrigoPro user. For notification details refer Technician checked out.
CheckListMigratedToProcedureA work order had an active check list before procedures were released, and the check list was converted to a procedure. For notification details, refer to Check list migrated.
CheckListUpdatedA check list was changed by a CorrigoPro user. For notification details refer Checklist updated.

(Note: See Warning Below)
CompletionInfoChangedA work order's completion information has changed or adjusted after work order has been completed. For notification details refer to Completion info changed.
InvoiceStatusChangedAn invoice status was changed.
MessageSentA new message was sent to a customer from the CorrigoPro, or a new message is received from a customer. For notification details refer Message received.
NeedsCompletionDetailsA work order was completed by a CorrigoPro using IVR. For notification details refer Technician checked through IVR.
NewWorkOrderA new work order is submitted to he CorrigoPro. For notification details refer Work order received.
NteChangedNTE was changed on a customer side, a new NTE was submitted. For notification details refer NTE changed.
PausedA work order was paused by a CorrigoPro user. For notification details refer Technician paused.
PutOnHoldA work order was put on hold by a customer. For notification details refer Work order put on hold.
QuoteChangedA quote was changed. This action can be performed by a customer or a provider. For notification details refer Quote changed.
RecalledA work order was recalled by a customer. For notification details refer Work order recalled.
RejectedA work order was rejected by a CorrigoPro user. For notification details refer Work order rejected.
ReopenedA work order was reopened. For notification details, refer to Work order reopened.
SLA ChangedAn SLA was changed on a customer side. This action informs a provider about a new work order SLA. For notification details refer SLA changed.
ProcedureMarkedA Procedure has been marked as applicable or not applicable.
ProcedureUpdatedA customer changes a procedure in a work order accepted by your company
WorkVerifiedA feedback was submitted by a customer. For notification details refer Work verified.



Check lists are becoming Procedures for most Enterprise clients on March 22, 2018, and we discourage their usage.


NoneNo attachment type specified.
SignatureAttachment is a signature.

Custom field data types.


The following table describes the available types of equipment:

ExistingWork done is related to some of the available equipment assets.
NewA new piece of equipment was installed. The installed piece of equipment is not available in a list of available assets.
UnknownA repaired equipment not listed to work order. The installed piece of equipment is not available in a list of available assets.
ExcludingWork done is not related to a specific equipment, therefore no specific asset can be linked to a work order.


The following table describes the types of feedback:

NegativeWork completion is verified. A customer is not satisfied with the quality of services provided.
NeutralWork completion is verified. Quality of services provided is average.
PositiveWork completion is verified. Quality of services provided is beyond expectations.
NotCompletedWork is not completed.


The following table describes types of model validation errors:

MandatoryShows that a field is required but was not provided.
IncorrectTypeShows that a field cannot be correctly converted into expected type.
RangeExceededIndicates that a field value does not fit into allowed limits
DateRangeExceededIndicates that time span between two DateTime fields exceeds allowed limit
MaxLengthA value exceeds maximum length.
MinLengthA value is less than the minimum length.
InvalidPhoneA phone is invalid or has invalid format.
InvalidDateA date invalid or has an invalid format.


NewAn invoice without any data - either new or after reset.
Can be edited and submitted
DraftAn invoice that has any changes.
Can be edited and submitted
SubmittedAn invoice that has been submitted to the customer.
DisputedAn invoice that has been rejected by the customer. Provider is supposed to adjust/fix the invoice and re-submit.
Can be edited and submitted
AuthorizedAn invoice that has been authorized by the customer.
PaidAn invoice that has been paid by the customer.
CancelledIndicates that a related work order was rejected/recalled.
WaitingForWoCompletionDetailsIndicates that a related work order was checked out without completion details. If any completion information is required by the customer, it must be provided before submitting an invoice. In other cases is similar to a New status.
Can be edited and submitted
PendingWoCompleteIndicates that a related work order has not yet been completed.
Can be edited
PendingVerificationIndicates that the facility manager should verify work done before invoice can be submitted.
Can be edited


LaborCategory type for a labor work. Item value usually indicates fractional number of hours spent by a technician.
MaterialsCategory type for parts & materials costs.
MiscCategory type for miscellaneous costs.
ShippingCategory type for shipping costs.
ServicesCategory type for services costs.
PriceListCategory type for a price list item, defined by the customer. Every line item of type PriceList should be accompanied by customer item identifier. See Editing invoices for the details.
TaxCategory type for an item containing tax information.


The following table describes the types of statuses of a Procedure.

UnknownEmpty/unsupported value
NAMarked as "not applicable"


The following table describes Permission To Enter - what a technician must do before arriving on site.

CallFirstProvider must call to customer before starting a work.


The following table describes the quote statuses:

SubmittedA provider submitted a quote for work.
ApprovedA customer approved a quote for this work.
RejectedA customer rejected a quote for this work.
RequestedA customer requested a quote for this work.


The following table describes applications that performs action:

CorrigoProAn action was initiated or message generated by a CorrigoPro application.
CustomerAction was initiated or message generated by a customer’s application.
CorrigoProDirectA message was created by CorrigoPro Direct.


The following table describes work order statuses:

NewA new work order is submitted by a customer.
AcceptedA work order is accepted by a provider.
RejectedA work order is rejected by a provider.
RecalledA work order is recalled by a customer.
CheckedInA work order is started by a provider.
PausedA work order is paused by a provider.
OnHoldA work order is put on hold by a customer.
CheckedOutA work order is completed by a provider.
VerifiedA work order is verified and a feedback is submitted by a customer.
NeedsCompletionDetailsA work order has been completed via IVR and needs additional completion details.


The following table describes types of steps:

UnknownEmpty/unsupported value
TextSimple step type which will be marked as "done" with no additional information. Closest to legacy punch list item.
FieldStep is linked to Custom Field; user will need to provide a value when executing step.
AttributeStep is linked to Asset Attribute; user will need to provide a value when executing step; it will be copied into Asset Attribute.
DocumentStep is informational; linked to a document; doesn't need to be marked as done.


The following table describes types of updates.

DeleteEntity was removed.
UpdateEntity was changed.
AddEntity was added.


The following table describes values:

StringA string literal.
IntegerInteger numbers should only be integer digits, without quotations, commas for thousand separators, or decimals.
FloatFloating-point numbers should use ‘.’ as decimal mark and without any delimiter of thousands.

Example: 34823.14159265
PhoneNumberPhone numbers should be in international format. Value should be started with ‘+’ sign. No white spaces, dashes or other characters except digits are allowed.

Example(US): +12342345555.
DateDateTime values for both request and response models should be in UTC format RFC3339. Example: 2000-02-30T23:20:50.52Z
TimeTime values should be in format HH:mm.

Example: 23:20
BoolPossible values are true and false (without quotations).
UrlString containing URL.


The following table describes work order types:

PMRMScheduled work. Preventive or routine maintenance.
RequestReactive work request.