Scope your integration

This topic provides the conceptual information for developers to understand the scope of integration between a customer application and CorrigoPro.


CorrigoPro Direct gives you programmatic access, via an API, to all the functionality available in CorrigoPro. As a developer, when designing the CorrigoPro Direct integration between your own CMMS and the CorrigoPro Network, it is important that you include all the data points being requested by your Corrigo customers. You will need to map the CorrigoPro workflow expected by your clients onto your company specific workflow as executed in your own CMMS. While ultimately you need to engage your business colleagues in this process, this document is designed to help you structure that conversation and ask the right questions.

Typical integration touch points

The integration touch points below reflect the typical work order life cycle.

Create a new work order (required for all customers)##

All CorrigoPro Direct integrations should include the ability to poll, or listen (via a WebHook), for work orders sent to you from a Corrigo customer. On receipt of such a work order you’ll need to create a corresponding work order in your own CMMS system.

Accept or reject a work order (required for all customers)

All CorrigoPro Direct integrations should include the ability to accept, or reject, a work order created in your CMMS via the CorrigoPro Direct API. Typically, a rejection message will be sent to the CorrigoPro Direct API if the work order is cancelled in your CMMS system and an acceptance message sent if the work order is opened in your CMMS system. However the exact workflow will need to be coordinated with your business operations team.

Check in (optional for some customers)

Some of your customers may require on-site check in information when the technician arrives at the job site. When your technician arrives on-site you should call the CorrigoPro Direct check-in method passing the datetime and GPS coordinates of the check-in event. If these coordinates are not available then you can simply call the check-in method with empty coordinates but this may result in questions from your client.

Pause (optional for some customers)

Some of your customers may ask that you pause the work order when a technician temporarily leaves the job site to collect parts, etc. In this case when your technician temporarily leaves the site you should call the CorrigoPro Direct pause method passing the datetime and GPS coordinates of the pause event. If these coordinates are not available then you can simply call the pause method with empty coordinates but this may result in questions from your client.

Check out (required for all customers)

All customers require you to call the CorrigoPro Direct check-out method when your technician completes the work order. If you have the GPS coordinates of the technician you should provide those.

Comments (optional for some customers)

You should typically provide completion comments. These are a short free text description, usually entered by the tech, describing the work performed.

Repair category and/or code (optional for some customers)

Some of your customers may require you to specify a repair category and/or code, selected from that customer’s specific list of categories and codes. The CorrigoPro Direct API supports a method for querying this customer specific list of categories and codes.

Additional information (optional for some customers)

Some customers required additional specific pieces of information at completion of a work order. Depending on the specific customer this information may, or may not, be required. This information is passed to the customer by calling the CorrigoDirect Custom Field method.

Check lists (optional for some customers)

Check lists, or punch lists, are typically a list of steps that the technician is supposed to follow when executing the work. Some clients require that you pass back the list of steps to the CorrigoPro Direct API indicating completion of each step and adding any comments provided by the Tech.

Equipment worked on (optional for some customers)

Some clients require that you pick from their location specific list of equipment and indicate exactly which piece of equipment the technician worked on. This is required for some customers and optional for others.

Additional integration touch points

The integration touch points listed here are also important but not part of the typical work order life cycle.

Documents (optional for some customers)

You can attach documents to a work order at any time in the work order life cycle through the CorrigoPro Direct API. You should also be listening for new documents from the customer which can be received at any time in the work order lifecycle.

Messages (optional for some customers)

You can send a message to the customer at any time in the work order life cycle through the CorrigoPro Direct API. Your customer can also send you messages at any point in the work order life cycle.

Work order status updates (required for all customers)

Your customer can update the status of a work order at any time, including cancelling it. You must be listening for these status update events.

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