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work order received event documentation link broken

When I click on the work order received notification documentation link it takes me to page with 404 broken error


Is there a way to simulate WorkOrder create and CorrigoPro Direct send to our web service?


Once we Check-out, how do we Check-in again?

If for some reason we find that technician needs to attend to the job again, can the technician check-in again after he's already checked-out?


When a Quote has sent to Corrigo and Customer accepted the Quote - Can CorrigoPro Direct notify our web service? Or do we need to keep polling Corrigo Direct to for changes in the WO?


When the WorkOrder is on “pause” is there a time limit on how long it can be paused for? and does this have any impact on SLA?


How do I obtain location data for all of my customer sites?

My system needs all of the potential customer sites for my integration to be successful?

How to test requests sent to Corrigo

I am able to use the emulator to test requests sent to my system but how do I test sending requests from my system back to Corrigo? I would like to test accepting a new work order using my system.


How to use the public certificate validating Token for Webhooks in Coldfusion?

Using the webhook scenario, how would we validate the Token in webhook using the OAuthAuthorization.cer from the
https://developer.corrigopro.com/docs/authorization#section-token-validation (step 3)? We can successfully communicate with the servers to pull information, but we want Corrigo to push the information to us, yet we wish to maintain security during this process.


Required parameters

When looking at the API, how can I determine which parameters are required?


Emulator only works once

I developed some code that is accepting WebHook notifications and I want to ensure I am processing the JSON correctly. So I