Assigning associates
By default, associates have no access to information about new work orders.
As soon as a dispatcher chooses associates ready to go on site and start work, the dispatcher must assign them to a work order, so that technicians can start using their CorrigoPro applications.
To assign an associate, use PUT /api/bulk/assign method. If an associate is already assigned to a work order, no actions will be performed as well as no errors will be returned as a result of this operation. For information how to obtain the branchId, see Configuration.
Each branch of your company can have different available associates. If you try to assign an invalid associate, an error is returned, and no assignment is performed.
Regardless of the operation result, API will return an array of objects.
PUT /api/bulk/assign method processes each given work order separately. This means that even if the set of associates provided by you failed to be assigned to some of the work orders, the remaining associates are successfully processed.
However, this method returns errors if you try to manage work orders that do not exist or are inaccessible to you.
For each successfully processed work order, API response will contain a single object with a work order identifier. If a work order failed to be processed, the API response might contain more than one object per work order, depending on number of errors related to a particular work order.
Assignment does not affect work order status or other properties that can be retrieved by GET /api/workOrder/ method.
Retrieving associates
CorrigoPro Direct API allows you to find available associates for a given branch by using GET /api/associates method.
An associate can belong to one of the following categories:
- CruMember - a technician of your own company
- Subcontractor - a third-party provider company rather than a particular employee. Assigning a subcontractor means granting access for a work order to all administrators of that company, who can assign their own CruMembers (but not Subcontractors!).
Updated almost 6 years ago