Working with invoices


Invoicing app availability

CorrigoPro Invoicing App provides support for a generic invoicing process that is suitable for most countries in which the application is available. However, the Invoicing App may be disabled in countries which require very complicated or strictly regulated processes. In such cases, invoice management should be performed outside of the system.

Retrieving invoices

When provider receives a work order, system generates an invoice for it.
You can receive detailed information about invoice if you know a work order ID. For a detailed API reference, see GET api/invoice.

Some customers preset a number of items in provider invoice, so it may not necessarily be empty. However, it is up to provider whether to keep those items or not. For more details on how to work with line items, see Editing invoices.

Invoicing instructions

Prebilled work orders

Customer can allow PM/RM work orders to be prebilled. These work orders have the following distinguishing features:

  • Invoices can be submitted right after work order creation.
  • The only way to accept such a work order is to submit an invoice.

Check WorkOrder.IsPreBilled property or invoice.IsPreBilled property to determine whether a relevant work order is prebilled.

Automatic invoice submission

If work order NTE.Amount is equal to zero, invoices may be automatically submitted as soon as work order is completed. To configure this functionality, check the Settings page under invoicing app of the CorrigoPro Desktop.

Customer verification

Some customers require the facility manager to verify the work done before an invoice can be submitted. Invoices for these work orders will be in PendingVerification status.
Once feedback is received, the invoice may be submitted.
Some customers also prohibit invoice submission for work orders rated as "Not completed". In this case, an error with a relevant error code will be returned when attempting to submit the invoice.



Depending on a customer system, invoice may NOT be switched to PendingVerification status immediately after work order completion, even if verification is required. In this case, status transition will occur during the first attempt to submit this invoice. Submit operation will return a error with code 30xx.

Customer actions

Customer actions include:

  • Dispute: customer may dispute an invoice, specifying the reason. Invoice status is switched to Disputed. Provider needs to adjust/fix the invoice and submit it again.
  • Authorize: customer may authorize an invoice. Invoice status is switched to Authorized, and an optional authorization number may be provided within a WebHook notification body.
  • Pay: invoice may be marked as Paid, if both customer and provider have linked accounting/billing systems together. Optional check number, comment and paid amount may be provided within a WebHook notification body.