Invoice status changed

Every time an invoice status is changed, your WebHook receives a notification containing all necessary information. In most cases, notification payload will contain a new status value only, but if your customer disputes, authorizes or pays an invoice, payload will contain action-specific info, as described below.


FieldValue TypeVerificationDescription
HeaderMessageHeaderMandatoryComplex object that contains important information about the request.
StatusInvoiceStatusMandatoryNew invoice status
CommentStringOptionalAuthor comment justifying an action. In case of customer dispute it will contain rejection reason.
AuthNumberStringOptionalAuthorization number, present only if Status = Authorized
CheckNumberStringOptionalCheck number, present only if Status = Paid
AmountDecimal (Money)OptionalIf Status = Authorized, contains authorization amount. If Status = Paid, contains paid amount.
PaidDateDateTimeOptionalDate when the payment was submitted, present only if Status = Paid

Example notification: invoice paid

	"Status": "Paid",
	"Comment": "Invoice has been paid. Thank you for cooperation!",
	"AuthNumber": null,
	"CheckNumber": "01234567890",
	"Amount": 157.25,
	"PaidDate": "2018-08-20T15:02:04.4520807Z",
	"Header": {
		"WorkOrderId": 42,
		"BranchId": 501027,
		"Sender": {
			"Name": "Tyrion Lannister",
			"Phone": "+12025556632",
			"Type": "Customer"
		"Action": "InvoiceStatusChanged",
		"ActionDate": "2018-08-20T15:02:04.3895801Z",
		"ApiVersion": "1.1",
		"MessageId": "cb8dd48d-6080-42d0-9739-e1b28642e530"