Work order reopened

A work order can be reopened by a customer or CorrigoPro Desktop. When a work order is reopened, your WebHook receives a notification.


FieldValue TypeVerificationDescription
HeaderMessageHeaderMandatoryComplex object that contains important information about the request.
StatusStatusMandatoryValue: "New"
CommentStringOptional, maximum length 3000Optional comment justifying the action.

Example: work order reopened

The following example shows a sample work order reopened notification body:

	"Comment": "A comment justifying the action",
	"Status": "New",
	"Header": {
		"WorkOrderId": 28862,
		"BranchId": 501096,
		"Sender": {
			"Name": "Maksym",
			"Phone": "+12342342211",
			"Type": "CorrigoPro"
		"Action": "Reopened",
		"ActionDate": "2018-06-18T14:30:43.8443653Z",
		"ApiVersion": "1.1",
		"MessageId": "4d6fa0bd-a864-463f-bb1e-96df1f9903bd"