NTE changed

(this action may only be performed by a customer)

Every work order contains information about NTE limit. This value is used by the invoicing application.
Every time customer changes NTE amount in a work order, your WebHook receives notification containing the necessary information.



If the NTE amount is changed as a result of a quote change, "Quote changed" notification is sent instead of this notification.


FieldValue TypeVerificationDescription
HeaderMessageHeaderMandatoryComplex object that contains important information about the request.
Amountdecimal(Money)MandatoryA new NTE (Not To Exceed) value defined by the a customer.
Work order currency is considered.

Example notification: NTE changed

	"Amount": 1000,
	"Header": {
		"WorkOrderId": 42,
		"BranchId": 500772,
		"Sender": {
			"Name": "Jon Snow",
			"Phone": "+12025550141",
			"Type": "Customer"
		"Action": "NteChanged",
		"ActionDate": "2017-10-04T18:54:58.9974626Z",
		"ApiVersion": "1.0",
		"MessageId": "ef964793-edb3-4db1-a629-3bfbf361d8a9"