Marking a procedure as not applicable

You may notify the customer that the given procedure is not applicable for the given asset by using the method PUT /api/procedure/markAsNA.

If a procedure is marked as N/A, its steps become read-only. If a procedure was marked as N/A by mistake, it is possible to undo this action by calling the very same method, passing "false" as a value of MarkAsNa property in the JSON payload.

If a procedure was marked by a customer or CorrigoPro Desktop, the provider may receive a "ProcedureMarked" WebHook notification.



Not every procedure can be marked as N/A. If the operation is not allowed, an error response code 3030 will be returned.

Verifying if a procedure can be marked as N/A##

One can make verify whether a particular procedure is allowed to be marked as N/A using the following method:

  1. Check the WorkDetails.Procedures.AllowMarkNotApplicable property in the NewWorkOrder Webhook notification.

  2. Check the ProceduresUpdates.Procedure.AllowMarkNotApplicable property in Procedure Updated notification.

  3. Query the procedure state by using GET api/procedure/ method and check the Procedures[].AllowMarkNotApplicable property.