Working with procedure attachments

Procedures can contain steps that include attachments. You can retrieve a list of attachments, obtain a link to an attachment, add an attachment, and remove an attachment.

Retrieving procedure attachments

You can retrieve a list of attachments added to a particular procedure step (without a limit on the maximum number of attachments).

To retrieve the list of attachments, call GET /api/procedure/step/attachments

Getting a link to a procedure step attachment

You can obtain a temporary link to a file attached to a step by using the method GET api/procedure/step/attachments/GetDownloadUrl/. A download URL will be returned that will be valid for a limited time (15 minutes).



The URL returned by GET api/procedure/step/attachments/GetDownloadUrl/ is temporary, and should never be stored permanently.

Adding a new procedure step attachment

You can attach a file to a particular procedure step. To add an attachment, call POST /api/procedure/step/attachments.

This call is similar to the POST /api/attachments call. The only difference is that the file is attached to a given procedure step, not the work order itself.



You can only attach a file to a step only if the relevant procedure is editable and not marked as N/A.

Removing a file from a procedure step

You can remove a file attached to a particular procedure step. To remove an attachment from a step, call DELETE api/procedure/step/attachments/

This differs from attachments to work orders, which cannot be removed.



An attachment can only removed if the relevant procedure is editable and not marked as N/A.