Attachment added

Each time a customer or technician adds a new attachment to a work order by using the CorrigoPro Desktop, your WebHook receives a notification with all necessary details.



Notification about a new attachment contains only AttachmentId without file content.
To get download URL of the attached file, call GET /api/attachments/downloadUrl.


Attachment visibility

Attachments uploaded via CorrigoPro Desktop have visibility. CorrigoPro Direct only receives attachment notifications that have visibility option set to All (Customer In).


FieldValue TypeVerificationDescription
HeaderMessageHeaderMandatoryComplex object that contains important information about the request.
Maximum length 36
A unique identifier from a customer API. It can be used to get attachment content from GET /api/attachments.
NameStringMandatoryAttachment name.
MimeTypeStringMandatoryType of attachment.
SizeLongMandatorySize of the file in bytes.

Example notification: Attachment added

	"AttachmentId": "7c9e6679-7425-40de-944b-e07fc1f90ae7",
	"Name": "test.doc",
	"MimeType": "application/msword",
	"Size": 234256756,
	"Header": {
		"WorkOrderId": 42,
		"BranchId": 492042,
		"Sender": {
			"Name": "Jon Snow",
			"Phone": "+12025550141",
			"Type": "CorrigoPro"
		"Action": "AttachmentAdded",
		"ActionDate": "2017-10-04T08:28:36.9484279Z",
		"ApiVersion": "1.0",
		"MessageId": "113cfe40-3a39-4e34-92b3-61cfaeb026d1"