Working with refrigerant
Service providers now have the capability to seamlessly share information regarding refrigerant transactions associated with equipment refrigerant circuits. This crucial data is integrated into the completed work order within the customer system, allowing for efficient monitoring of refrigerant requests and improving the functionality of Corrigo Enterprise. After the customer enables this functionality, service providers will gain access to the refrigerant data.
Retrieving Circuits
Retrieves details about refrigeration equipment which are used to execute refrigerant transactions. Call GET/api/refrigerant/circuits
Retrieving Cylinders
Retrieves information about cylinders which are used in Add Refrigerant and Recover Refrigerant transactions. Call GET/api/refrigerant/cylinders
Retrieving Refrigerant Transactions
Retrieves information about refrigerant transactions. Refrigerant transactions have two different states: either scheduled (which in this case they have not yet been executed by the Provider) or they can be completed. GET/api/refrigerant/transaction
Retrieving Transaction Types
When users are performing transactions, there are specific transactions that are available to record based on the circuit and the WO. This should retrieve available transaction types that can be performed based on the circuit and the work order. Call GET/api/refrigerant/availabletransactiontypes
Working With Refrigerant Transactions
Throughout the lifecycle of a refrigerant related work order, users may add, delete, or update Refrigerant transactions. Call the following respectively:
Working With Certifications
Users may have refrigerant certifications associated with them (certification class and number). These are used to populate certification details when users are executing a transaction.
- Delete refrigerant certification associated with the user, call DELETE/api/refrigerant/certification
- Retrieve refrigerant certification associated with the user, call GET/api/refrigerant/certification
- Add refrigerant certification to user, call POST/api/refrigerant/certification
- Update refrigerant certification to user, call PUT/api/refrigerant/certification
Refrigerant Circuits#
Name | Type | Verification | Description |
Id | Int | Optional | Identifier of a Circuit (circuitProductId) in your customer's system. |
DispAs | String | Optional Maximum length 128 | The circuit name. |
Number | String | Optional Maximum length 128 | The circuit number. |
IsMetric | Bool | Optional | Flag to show if Metric is applicable or not to circuit. |
LeakThreshold | Int | Optional | When the Leak Rate equals or exceeds number, the leak must be identified and repaired. |
Capacity | Int | Optional | The capacity of the circuit, decimals are supported. When “lb” is selected as a unit type, decimal numbers are converted to ounces. |
IsLeakDetecEquip | Bool | Optional | “true” indicates the equipment is a Circuit. “false” indicates it is a Leak Detection Equipment. |
ProductId | Int | Optional | Product ID for a product in the Refrigerant category. |
ProductName | String | Optional Maximum length 256 | Product Name for a product in the Refrigerant category. |
StatusID | Int | Optional | The status of the refrigerant equipment. |
Refrigerant Cylinder
Name | Type | Verification | Description |
Id | Int | Optional | Identifier of a Cylinder in your customer's system. |
Number | String | Optional Maximum length 128 | The Cylinder number which was used for the transaction. If an external cylinder was used, it is recommended to add "External cylinder" in the Comments. The cylinder must contain the same refrigerant type as the circuit. Cylinders used for "Recovered from Circuit" transactions must have a Recovery Flag. |
IsMetric | Bool | Optional | Flag to show if Metric is applicable or not to cylinder. |
Refrigerant Transaction Type
The following table describes all the transaction types that was performed on the refrigeration.
Value | Description |
Unknown | Empty/unsupported value |
Purchased | |
Disposed | |
Refilled | |
CylinderRelease | |
CircuitRelease | |
Added | |
Recovered | |
Tested | |
LeakIdentified | |
LeakRepaired | |
LeakTestFollow | |
Created | |
CircuitEdit | |
Transferred | |
Retired | |
LeakTestInitial | |
Adjusted | |
CylinderEdit | |
LeakInspected | |
ALDCalibration | |
Retrofitted | |
Activated |
Refrigerant Certification Class
The following table describes the Service Provider technician's refrigerant certification classes.
Value | Description |
None | Empty/unsupported value |
Class1 | |
Class1AndClass2 | |
Class1AndClass2AndClass3 | |
Class1AndClass3 | |
Class2 | |
Class2AndClass3 | |
Class3 | |
Universal |
Leak CauseId
“Leak Identified” transactions. LeakCauseId only for mode2.
Value | Description |
Unknown | Empty/unsupported value |
MechanicalJoint | |
WeldedJoint | |
Valve | |
ControlCapillaryLine | |
PipeFailure | |
Other |
Refrigerant Test Method
Required for “Leak Inspected”, “Leak Identified”, “Leak Tested (Initial)” and “Leak Tested (Follow up)” transactions.
Value | Description |
Unknown | Empty/unsupported value |
NotTested | |
Pressurizing | |
Electronic | |
DeepVacuum | |
SoapBubbles | |
Other | |
DyeInject | |
HalideDetector | |
OilResidue | |
ApprovedAlternate | |
CalibratedLeakDetectionDevice |
Updated 24 days ago