This topic provides information to help you troubleshoot problems that you might encounter with your CorrigoPro integration.
If your issue is not described in the related topics, contact Corrigo support.
Detecting problems
1. Log in to CorrigoPro Desktop application.
The CorrigoPro Direct widget is displayed on the home page.

If this widget is not displayed, review the Prerequisites and Configuration topics.
2. Check CorrigoPro Direct widget state.
If integration is configured properly, CorrigoPro Direct widget shows a number of errors occurred during the last 24 hours:

3. Check communication logs
CorrigoPro Direct widget displays errors occurred during both API calls and WebHook notifications. For information how to drill down to details of any error, see Communication Logs.
Contacting support
Please, check Handling API Errors and Troubleshooting WebHook events pages before contacting support!
If you encounter an error with an API call or WebHook notification, and this section does not offer sufficient guidance, you can ask our support team a question by using Contact Us form of CorrigoPro Desktop. In the details of request, you must specify HTTP error code, MessageId and API error details (if any).

Updated almost 6 years ago