Message received

Every time a customer or an associate sends a message, your WebHook receives a notification with the necessary information. To distinguish between customer and associate messages, review the Sender.Type property value.


Message visibility

Messages sent via CorrigoPro have visibility. CorrigoPro Direct only receives message notifications that have visibility option set to All (Customer In).


FieldValue TypeVerificationDescription
HeaderMessageHeaderMandatoryComplex object that contains important information about the request.
Maximum length 3000
A message text.

Example notification: message received

	"Text": "Hello Direct!",
	"Header": {
		"WorkOrderId": 42,
		"BranchId": 500772,
		"Sender": {
			"Name": "Jon Snow",
			"Phone": "+12025550141",
			"Type": "CorrigoPro"
		"Action": "MessageSent",
		"ActionDate": "2017-10-04T15:18:57.5328597Z",
		"ApiVersion": "1.0",
		"MessageId": "26b82cca-deea-4503-99cb-3cf8b83462ed"

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